Federal Bureau of Prisons

Results: 890

81Law enforcement / Department of Corrections / Prisons in Turkey / Incarceration in the United States / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Penology / Crime / Prison


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Source URL: www.schr.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-10-17 03:06:51
82Federal Bureau of Prisons / Prison / Penal system of Japan / Recidivism / Private prison / Incarceration in the United States / Incarceration of women / Penology / Crime / Law enforcement

The Federal Prison Population Buildup: Overview, Policy Changes, Issues, and Options

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Source URL: www.fas.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-05-21 08:39:06
83GEO Group / Northwest Detention Center / Immigration detention / Prison / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Penology / Law enforcement / Law

CRCC - Steven Adwell Picture edit

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Source URL: www.geogroup.com

Language: English - Date: 2014-10-03 21:17:13
84Prison / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Corrections / Correctional Service of Canada / Supermax / Department of Correctional Services / Incarceration in the United States / Department of Corrections / Penology / Crime / Law enforcement

Managing serious violent offenders in South Australian prisons : control, consensus or responsibility

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Source URL: aic.gov.au

Language: English - Date: 2009-05-25 16:54:09
85Earth / Environmental impact statement / National Environmental Policy Act / Social capital / Environmental justice / Local community / Council on Environmental Quality / Social impact assessment / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Impact assessment / Environment / Prediction

Microsoft Word - Prison Social Capital Written Testimony[removed]doc

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Source URL: www.hks.harvard.edu

Language: English
86Office of Professional Responsibility / Special agent / United States Department of Justice / Federal Bureau of Prisons / United States Department of Health and Human Services / Bureau of Alcohol /  Tobacco /  Firearms and Explosives / Office of Inspector General /  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services / Government / Inspectors general / Inspector General

The USA PATRIOT Act (Patriot Act), Public Law[removed], enacted by Congress and signed by the President on October 26, 2001, pro

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Source URL: www.justice.gov

Language: English - Date: 2015-03-09 11:10:34
87Mississippi / Crime / Prisons in California / Wabash Valley Correctional Facility / Monroe Correctional Complex / Penology / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Prison

2005 Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities questionnaire

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Source URL: bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov

Language: English - Date: 2009-09-01 16:18:38
88Cultural assimilation / Native American history / Indigenous peoples of North America / Native Americans in the United States / Indigenous education / First Nations / Eurocentrism / Indigenous peoples of the Americas / Native American boarding schools / Americas / History of North America / American culture

An Anglo-American Rethinks Native American Education: Can We Avoid Yesterday’s Tragedies? Mitchell J. Moore University of Minnesota Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution, Waseca, MN Abstract

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Source URL: www.usca.edu

Language: English - Date: 2005-06-15 13:35:42
89Pew Research Center / Prison religion / Prison / The Pew Charitable Trusts / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Crime / Military chaplain / Penology / Religion / Chaplain

FOR RELEASE THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2012 Religion in Prisons A 50-State Survey of Prison Chaplains FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:

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Source URL: www.pewforum.org

Language: English - Date: 2013-04-22 12:05:55
90Penal system of Japan / Crime in the United States / Law enforcement / Capital punishment in the United States / Central Valley / Federal Correctional Institution /  Milan / Incarceration in the United States / Penology / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Prisons in California

BOP SandE FY2014 exhibits.xlsx

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Source URL: www.justice.gov

Language: English - Date: 2014-08-27 17:15:58